Resident Services

Family Self Sufficiency Program - FSS


The Family Self Sufficiency Program, commonly known as FSS, helps families increase their earnings and build financial capability and assets.

The FSS program serves:

  • Families in the Housing Choice Voucher Program - Section 8
  • Families living in Public Housing
  • Families living in HUD-Assisted Multifamily Developments

The FSS program seeks to help participants make measurable progress toward economic security so that they no longer need welfare programs, are less dependent on rental assistance, and are better able to achieve the goals they set out for themselves and plan for the future.


There are two key features to the FSS Program:


  1. A financial incentive for participants to increase their earnings in the form of an Escrow Savings Account that increases as residents’ earnings increase.

    The escrow account helps participants build savings that they can use to improve their quality of life and advance their personal goals. Escrow funds can also help participants pay for key services – such as car repair or employment training – that they may need to make progress toward their goals.
  2. Case Management or Coaching to help families access services they may need to overcome barriers to employment, strengthen their financial capability, and address other challenges holding them back from achieving their goals.

For more information, please contact the FSS Coordinator: Monica Leon, at 760-351-7000 x 132

FSS Brochure-English

FSS Brochure-Spanish